Light Sources This is one of the most important parts of Marathon. With this menu item, you can view all the light sources in Marathon and add more. The maximum number of possible light sources is 32. When you select 'Light Information' from the Options menu, the following dialog box will appear:   Light Index: Index of the current light source. Used for polygon's light source indices. Light Type: Normal - constant minimum intensity. Turns on/off instantly. Rheostat - constant minimum intensity. Turns on/off with slow fade. Flourescent - constant minimum intensity. Turns on with flourescent flicker. Turns off instantly. Strobe - strobes between min/max intensity. Turns on/off instantly. Flicker - Randomly chooses an intensity in [minimum, maximum]. Pulsates - intensity = (max-min)/2+(max-min)*sine(phase)/2. Annoying - flickers continuously. Energy Efficient - when turned on, slowly raises as per rheostat. Stays lit for 30 seconds, then checks to see if anyone is in it. If not, dims as per rheostat. Light Mode: Turning On On Turning Off Off Toggle Initial Intensity: Minimum Intensity: Maximum Intensity Phase: used in 'Pulsate' Period: On, in ticks. Turning on and off periods are the same for a given light type.